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The possible risks of a cheap service

Oct 19, 2017

Generally in life you get what you pay for and quite often a cheap product or service fails to deliver that which is promised. Carpet cleaning is no different in this respect. My machinery excluding the van is worth over £20,000 but I am still in competition with people who buy machines for maybe £500? These cheap machines can't deliver the powerful suction, spray and heat of better machines. I have regularly been shocked by the poor quality of some of the work that I have witnessed. A cheap operator still has to make mone, perhaps they live a frugal lifestyle living on bread and water or maybe they dash around not having the time to care for the customer? Really I am musing a bit but it is a little food for thought.

This is my hosereel with hundreds of feet of hosing to reach anywhere

This is my hosereel with hundreds of feet of hosing to reach anywhere

The machine behind the front panel is a proper diesel engine

The machine behind the front panel is a proper diesel engine

Starting to clean a pretty dirty carpet!

Starting to clean a pretty dirty carpet!

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